Get a phone number for your company

Ron Danenberg25 Jan 20231 min

We’ve released a new big feature useful for new users.

This was a long and complex build made possible by Kolleno’s incredible tech team: users can now get a phone number by themselves!

As you know, this is a must-have for the sms/phone calls features.


Step 1: Go to the “Phone Number settings”

Step 2: Add a Bundle. This is a regulatory bundle that many countries require to identify who is using the phone number. It can sometimes take up to a few days to get regulatory approval.

Step 3: Fill in all the steps of the regulatory approval. For UK mobile numbers, there are no regulatory bundles at this time and you can directly go to Step 4.

Step 4: once approved, you can choose a number in the list.

You will notice a box “Search” in the top-left. It is particularly useful for US users. If your company is in New York, you will want a phone number that shows New York when calling customers (phones in the US/Canada show where the number is registered when it rings). In that case, you can search for “+1315” as “315” is one of the local NYC numbers. You will only see NYC numbers.