Product updates

Task Manager and Embedded CSV importer

If your automated integration is not yet ready, we provide you with a super-friendly CSV importer to try the platform. We’ve also rebuilt from the ground up the Task Manager.

Ron Danenberg
Ron Danenberg
CTO at Kolleno
datepicker icon March 07, 2023

Task Manager

Big work from our frontend team. Formerly, you remember the Actions Board:

It is now the “Task Manager”, redesigned with a number of UX/UI improvements (such as just clicking anywhere on the row to respond). It also includes long-awaited filters (by email/sms/call/promise to pay/note):

Embedded CSV importer

We now have a user-friendly CSV uploader. It works easily with different file formats, large number of rows, and enables in-app correction of errors like in Excel:

Ron Danenberg
Ron Danenberg
author linkedin
CTO at Kolleno