Credit Limits and Credit Notes Refunds

Ron Danenberg13 Mar 20241 min

Create a single Task

You could already tasks automatically via the powerful Workflows. You can now create one-off tasks directly on the Customer Hub:

Customer Credit Limit

You can set a credit limit for each customer, as well as a percentage from when you want to be notified the customer has passed the credit limit:

Redesigned Task Manager

The task manager has been redesigned to allow you to split information between due/overdue tasks, as well as viewing the statistics easily at the top.

Manage Payment Methods on the Customer Payment Portal

Your customers can manage themselves their payment methods (card or bank accounts) directly via the existing customer payment portal. More transparency for your customers, putting them in control, and less work for you.

CSV Connector

If you have a desktop-based or custom system, and the best for you is to export all data via CSV, Kolleno can set up for you an SFTP server. You can then upload different files depending on the type of records (customer, invoice, payment, credit note, etc.)

Credit Note Refunds

We’ve added a “REFUNDED” status for credit notes. It is now also possible to do several partial refunds on the same payment, as long as the balance still allows it.

As part of these changes, the table has been enhanced to show you the applied invoices.

QuickBooks Credit Note PDF

The PDF files of your QuickBooks credit notes can be downloaded from Kolleno and sent to your customers.


If you are using Kolleno to reconcile your bank account feeds, Kolleno will automatically match the bank line item to your payouts and open banking payments done via Kolleno.

Open API

The following have been added to the Open API:

  • Set and retrieve “persons” on Invoices.
  • Set and retrieve “amount_remaining” for Credit Notes.

You can view it here.

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